Selling Your Property in Irvine, CA? How to Create Irresistible Real Estate Listings

Selling Your Property in Irvine, CA? How to Create Irresistible Real Estate Listings

There were 4% fewer homes actively for sale in September 2023 than in 2022. As inventory shrinks, homeowners are finding it more difficult to remain competitive. Without strong real estate listings, a property can sit on the market for months.

Before that happens, use these effective tips to sell your Irvine, CA home. With these techniques, you can avoid dropping your asking price. Start marketing today!

Upgrade the Property

A few minor upgrades can make your Irvine home more attractive to buyers. Consider:

  • Garage door replacement
  • Entry door replacement
  • Minor kitchen remodeling
  • Smart home technology
  • New floors
  • Fresh paint
  • Siding replacement
  • Window replacement
  • Bathroom remodeling
  • Kitchen remodeling
  • Roof replacement or repair

Mention these upgrades when writing your real estate listing description. Buyers will see the property's value, leading to higher offers.

Add High-Quality Real Estate Photos

After enhancing the property, hire a professional photographer. Capture the property from different angles and at different times of day. These photos will strengthen the listing and your marketing strategy.

Include a variety of shots, including ones of the exterior, interior, and neighborhood. Highlight key upgrades and amenities.

Create a video or virtual tour to engage potential buyers. This can help you focus on buyers with real interest. After viewing the video, they may decide to schedule a tour in person.

Leverage the Real Estate Listing Description

Your listing should grab a buyer's attention and drive their interest. Start with a strong real estate listing headline. Mention Irvine to appeal to local buyers.

Craft a detailed real estate listing description to keep their attention. Mention the unique features and selling points the property offers. Use descriptive language to paint a picture.

When writing the description, don't over-promise or under-sell. Instead, remain honest about problems that may come up during an inspection.

End the listing with a real estate listing call to action. Urge people to contact you for a tour.

Adjust Your Pricing

Research similar properties in Irvine before establishing your asking price. Setting the price too high will deter buyers. If it's too low, you'll lose money.

Consider incentives, such as new kitchen appliances, completing repairs, or a home warranty. Otherwise, partner with a property management company. They'll help you set a competitive price.

Share Using Real Estate Social Media Marketing

Use real estate social media marketing to direct more people to your listing. Share beautiful photos of the property with a link to the listing. Add hashtags to maximize your reach.

Create targeted visual ads using Facebook Ads. When buyers click on the ad, they'll discover your online listing.

Partner With a Professional

Consider partnering with a property management company or local agent. They can list your property on their real estate website. This can maximize your reach, leading to more bids.

Direct Buyers to Your Real Estate Listings

Use these tips to stand out among other Irvine real estate listings. Otherwise, ask for help. Partnering with an experienced property manager could prove key to your success.

Our team at PMI Orange County is part of a fast-growing management franchise. We have a strong track record of success and the awards to prove it.

Trust our state-of-the-art resources and 20 years of industry knowledge. Contact us today for help with your listing!
